More June Flowers

Clemantis #1, daisy, mysterious red plant, coral bells, something that in Latvian is called “malva”, the blue flowers next to the coreopsis ;), oregano and clemantis #2.

June Flowers

Peony, corepsis, siberian iris, another corepsis, and an antique rose that smells amazing!

Mark’s tile

So… I don’t know if it was Mark C, Mark H, or Mark M who left all those comments last week, but thank you 🙂 I enjoyed them! Speaking of Mark, here’s some Mark art from my basement ceiling:

a cauldron of bottle caps!

A friend from work found out I collect bottle caps for another friend’s wife’s art projects and swore to me he had “…a cauldron of them at home…” apparently in his front closet. I didn’t believe him…

looks like I should have 🙂