Cement Snail!

This summer I wanted to show some folks that a cement sculpture could, in fact, be made from start to finish in 5 days or less.  
Here is the result:

I admit that this guy isn’t 100% complete (I want to extend the mosaics down to where the shell ends) BUT it only took me approximately 5-6 hours over the course of 5 days to get this far. I’m confident that if I weren’t teaching other things at the same time as I was working on this, I’d have finished this guy AND made another 1 or 2 sculptures.

A blast from the past!

This is a paper mache lion I made for a long long ago NYE party in Milwaukee.  I liked him enough to drag him through several apartments and all the way to this current house of mine… sadly, he’d become mouse-eaten and tattered enough that I had to say goodbye to him earlier this summer.  BUT, not before I took some pictures!

Partial Quilt

Before assembling the four panels:

After assembling the four panels, but before attaching a border:

I’m waiting for this to come back from a lady who is machine quilting it for me. It’s really hard not to send the lady weekly inquiries about the progress on this thing 🙂 I’m super excited to get it back, even though it means I will have some 40+ feet of binding to make and sew on…… remind me again why I didn’t just have someone else do that for me, too?

And now… the post you’ve all been waiting for…..

Sooooo……I made steampunk twinchies for a swapbot swap. They even turned out quite decently steampunk, I thought… and then I got this rating:

Now, the $64-million dollar question is…. Do *you* see a frog here?  

Or perhaps a less leading question, what are the critters that you see in these sets?

I *intended* them to be (left to right, starting in top row):

spider, owl, bird
chicken, owl, spider

Is that what you guessed?

(this still makes me laugh and laugh and laugh 🙂

Stained Glass – 2013 Garezera 3×3

In order to keep up with and demo stuff for a lady who was making a stained glass window hanging in our class, I put together this during the workshop in Michigan.  Next time, I will use the framing tools in order to ensure a stained glass item that actually is *rectangular*.  I’m almost inspired to begin those 4 glass panels for the cabinet in my kitchen…. almost.

And now…. for something different!

In January, I made a savory birthday cake for my party.  Several brave souls were willing to try it, and I like to think that they even ENJOYED it!  I certainly did.  It was a nice break from the usual sweet things found at a birthday party.