I learned how to sew zippers last month!





I started with these two styles, but found tutorials on at least two other styles of [more advanced] zippered pouches that I haven’t tried yet.  I now have about a dozen plans for MORE zippered pouches, largely to use up assorted scraps I’ve been holding on to just because they’re pretty.  I’m curious how *fast* I might be able to make these if I tried something more similar to an assembly line….

Table runner

A couple years ago I bought a little “charm pack” of batik fabrics at the large quilt expo we have in town every September. It’s taken me a while, but I finally finished a table runner with those

Table Runner - Back


Then I worked on making a backing for the above piece (out of green scraps) and decided that I like this side better than the batik charm pack side, so this is now officially the front side of the table runner:

Table Runner - Front


Still to do: go to the hardware store to see if I can locate materials with which to build a hanging system similar to ones I saw all the time in Japan.  I’m not actually gung ho about “table runners”…..

Partial Quilt

Before assembling the four panels:

After assembling the four panels, but before attaching a border:

I’m waiting for this to come back from a lady who is machine quilting it for me. It’s really hard not to send the lady weekly inquiries about the progress on this thing 🙂 I’m super excited to get it back, even though it means I will have some 40+ feet of binding to make and sew on…… remind me again why I didn’t just have someone else do that for me, too?

First attempt at FELTING!



A really awesome friend of mine noticed me oooooh-ing and aaaaaaaah-ing over her felted cuffs this past winter and she *TOTALLY SURPRISED ME* by getting me the same kit so I could try it, too! This method of felting was crazy-easy. You essentially tack the roving onto a special piece of paper that will eventually disintegrate (in the last step of the process). The before (roving)/after (felted wool) is really only noticeable in the closeups.

Ugly Rug!

Earlier this year I worked on recycling some of my favorite shirts that were dying….  first attempt at a rag rug = DISASTER.

wow, hello lumpy rug.  I unwound the whole thing moments after this picture was taken.  Second attempt is looking better, but is not worth photographing just yet……  also, the cats destroyed part of it when I left them alone for a couple weeks with minimal intervention……

Rainbow snake!

In March, I made two stuffed animals for a dear friend’s baby mobile….. these are the only pictures I took, though, so you folks might not get to see the green bat/owl/monster that also went to her house.