First attempt at FELTING!



A really awesome friend of mine noticed me oooooh-ing and aaaaaaaah-ing over her felted cuffs this past winter and she *TOTALLY SURPRISED ME* by getting me the same kit so I could try it, too! This method of felting was crazy-easy. You essentially tack the roving onto a special piece of paper that will eventually disintegrate (in the last step of the process). The before (roving)/after (felted wool) is really only noticeable in the closeups.

Metal Owls

Much much earlier this year, I started playing around with owls.  I have plans for these things, just….. need to make time to finish them 🙂

Inchies – OWLS!

I signed up for a teenie tiny owls swap.  Each of these is 1 inch x 1 inch.  Somehow that’s a whole lot smaller than i had *thought* it would be. I think I like making twinchies better (2 inches x 2 inches).

Ugly Rug!

Earlier this year I worked on recycling some of my favorite shirts that were dying….  first attempt at a rag rug = DISASTER.

wow, hello lumpy rug.  I unwound the whole thing moments after this picture was taken.  Second attempt is looking better, but is not worth photographing just yet……  also, the cats destroyed part of it when I left them alone for a couple weeks with minimal intervention……