this one needs a title, too…

I really like how this one turned out….

Here’s how it was made:

Layer 1 = yellow. I wasted a LOT of yellow ink because I wasn’t thinking ahead. There is no reason that I needed to print the entire page in yellow. oh well. live and learn.

Layer 2 = adding copper in for the dandelion. Working smarter this time, I’m only rolling the ink where I know I’ll want the color to be.

Layer 3 = aqua. if I could go back and do it again, I’d probably pick orange or some other warm color since the aqua disappears with the addition of the next layer

Here’s what my kitchen table looked like this morning:

Layer 4 = violet, blue and white
Here’s what my kitchen table looks like right now:

Hello new readers!

Some more color proofs. Turns out this new ink works a little differently than what I’d been using before… and now I have a dozen small pieces of paper that say “Hello”. If you have any idea what to do with them, I’m all ears.


At the request of my relatives, I brought sushi over to my aunt’s house on Sunday…. but instead of making it at home, I brought all the *tools* to do it at her house. Here’s some that my mom made:

Candied violets!

Last weekend I went to visit Laura. The original plans were to brunch and go biking, but what we did instead was go for a walk with her two dogs, where we found 2 morels along the way (!!!). After that, we decided we wanted to save some of the violets that her dad would be mowing down in the next week, so we picked a kerjillion of them to make candied violets (and pressed some violets, too). Friends, I am not ever planning on doing that again. Laura, the rest of the day was fantastic —- but what a pain to get candied violets to look nice! They are still drying on top of my microwave. Who wants to try some?

And then I played a little with some digital elph technology. Here are two examples of “color swap”…..

Check out these radioactive orange violets:

Run, Laura, Run!

Sweater deconstruction…

Someday, this sweater will be made in to a scarf…. right now, those two balls onthe right are what used to be sweater arms. It’s surprisingly tricky to get a sweater un-done. I suppose it would help if I were more familiar with knitting so I wouldn’t keep picking the wrong end to start from….

The arboretum in May

I owe a big thank you to J in CA for sending me an awesome letter with a scavenger hunt in it…. it made me go to places in Madison that I’d not been to in a great long while and take pictures to prove that I solved the puzzle. 🙂

Here is what one of the clues yielded:

oh man, I am not up-to-speed on this blog. I keep promising people weekly updates and I haven’t even updated the sidebar to show May intentions and May is practically over. I have many pictures just waiting to be cropped & FTP’d and posted up here…. it’s just a matter of making myself come inside to do it. This kind of makes me want to invest in a laptop so I can sit outside & do this stuff. Think that would work?

Reduction proof

I made a (semi)quick proof for an idea I had…. and I had a really hard time picking what colors to use:

Here are some close-ups of a few selected color combinations:

I’m still not sure what I’m going to do for the actual print but luckily the procrastinating is facilitated by still not having any nice paper in the house 🙂