Catching up with October – 5 of 8

My friend Chuck showed me the delights of googly eyes….. Meet “Mr. Garbage The Garbage Can”, the googly eyed fish, and the googly sink.

The eyes have recently fallen off of the googly sink and I feel a little bit like I’ve lost a friend….

Catching up with October – 4 of 8

I made flan a couple of times in October. Crystalized sugar makes nifty designs when you pour cold water on it. Can you see the very tired, nearly dead (and very droopy looking) horse in here?

Catching up with October art – 3 of 8

Here’s the “before” shot of some glass I fused in order to play with that lap grinder that I used to be afraid to plug in and use:

aaaand…. I can’t find the “after some progress” image….. but the “after” was going to attempt to show how I’d used the lap grinder to shape these in to some shapes other than lumpy rectangles (I beveled a few, one turned in to an octagon, etc.) They’re still not done yet as there’s some undertermined amount of polishing required to do to get them all shiny again. Perhaps that’ll be a January project.

Catching up with October art – 1 of 8

Holy cow, it’s been 2 months since I FTP’d any pictures of stuff over here. Eeeek! Ok. Let’s celebrate the beginning of the new year by catching up on art stuff from the past 3 months…… starting with classic October activities…. Here are some more pumpkins that we carved at art night at Lara’s house just a few days before Halloween!

Carving 9+ pumpkins led to a whole lot of pumpkin seeds, too – most of which ended up roasted. These were fun to play with in the bowl to make nifty designs: