Playing with patterns – 2012 Garezera 3×3

Every so often I realize I’ve not done a very thorough job of showing the stuff I’ve made…. this mosaic is from the 2012 workshop in Michigan.  (Another case of OMG I NEED AN EXAMPLE NOW which resulted in a tile that I quite like!  Of course, i might not photograph all the ones i *don’t* like…..)

Mosaic tile – 2013 Garezera 3×3

One of several tiles made during this summer’s 3×3 in Michigan.
I need examples to demo on (so i don’t have to demo anything on a students’ work), so I end up with a couple of these a year.  I don’t think I photographed the smaller one I did (but i gave it to my mom, so maybe i can get a picture of that one from her).

More fused glass! 2013 Garezera 3×3

Anytime we needed to fire the kiln and there was spare room on the shelves, i’d quick quick put something together to try out this, that, or the other thing. Sometimes I’d be thinking about some way to try something new or a slight twist on something i saw while helping/teaching folks during the day.  This is what i ended up with this this year – I see at least one more glass button coming out of this (lower right corner) and perhaps I’ll set some of the wavy blue/green cabs in some metal jewelry… but the rest is one big question mark.  They may just sit in a bowl in my office for a while until I figure out what to do with them.

Glass Buttons – 2013 Garezera 3×3

Another new glass thing to try – created while in 3×3 this summer.  I intend to use these as decorative elements on some custom sewn items…. which will hopefully make an appearance on this site, er, later.  I’m not sure how *much* later since there’s a small glitch in the plan….. and as usual, I have about a zillion other things in the works at the moment, too. Fun fun!

Glass Barrettes – 2013 Garezera 3×3

Trying out a new thing to do with small glass cabochons.  Barrettes!  
Made these during 3×3.  I’ve yet to wear them…. I’m curious to see if they do OK or whether they end up too heavy to wear comfortably.  Hey – I’ll wear them tomorrow!

Inchies – abstract watercolor

Watercolor Inchies for a swapbot swap earlier this year. I was inspired by another swapper and even made the little custom envelopes from watercolors I’d made a while back and didn’t know what to do with.