Multiple perspectives

I really enjoy seeing multiple perspective of things. One way this manifests is that i just LOVE to look at the end result of art projects where either the whole class/room/group is given a description of the assignment and we see how all the end results are different OR things like what Corning Glass did here where they took (what appear to be) children’s drawings, made them out of glass, and posted both the idea + end result.

Here are two examples from the Corning Glass Museum site……

On paper:

In glass:


Guess who is going to the Vinery to sandblast this week?

I quite enjoy using this pink duct tape instead of the grey stuff πŸ˜‰  Thanks to that long ago 3-year bag arranger for getting it for me πŸ™‚  My goal is to finish cutting ALL of the existing glass in my house, sandblast it, and then be done with this stuff for …..  ever?  for years?  For a long time anyway.  I enjoy other projects more than this one (although I did get quite a bit of “quality TV time” in while working on theseο»Ώ the other day).

Glass Fish

This year, for the first time ever, I participated in a glass magless exchange (technically “magnets” but since everyone would have had to pay extra shipping costs if everyone glued magnets on to the back of their work, we all skipped the “glue magnet on” step and hence then name “magless”).

I made fish.

One heckuva LOT of fish:

Surprise in the mail!

Someone sent me a bunch of AWESOME little dichroic cabs in the mail πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Now to design some silver to go around them…..

Fused Flower

Here’s what I *wanted* to make more of, but certain other instructors in charge of the kilns wouldn’t let me …. blah blah … incompatible glass … blah blah blah …. pieces might explode or break off … blah blah … you’re lucky this one didn’t break yet … blah blah blah …


Just teasing mom. I know you’re right. But I still WANT to make more of these anyway.

Fused glass (3×3)

Every so often when we were firing the kilns for fused glass we’d have a little space on a shelf that could still fit another piece in. And since it’s a shame to not use every spot you have when you’re firing, I’d get the occasional chance to create a little something-or-other to fit in those spaces. Some of these are experimenting with some technique that my mother wanted to show people and we were making sure it worked before telling them to try it πŸ™‚ like using a candle to bend stringers for those crooked mouths.