On driftwood and garden sculptures…

Here’s some interesting stuff that *I* would like to be able to do with driftwood… but it would just create more and more piles of *stuff* in my yard/garage/living room. That being said.. there are garden sculptures in my future… i have the portland cement… i have the vermiculite… i have ‘spare’ wood for making molds… i have oodles of tools for sculpting and shaping… and i also have oodles of materials for finishing the surfaces of said sculptures…

also… light switch cover photographs coming soon… i need to figure out how to do some nifty html formatting, but if i can’t figure it out by tomorrow, i may just post them ‘normally’…

Re-Store and Recycle — Earth Day 2006

Tomorrow is an earth day festival at a local Habitat for Humanities Re-Store. I will be there, pretending to be a recycle artist. Noon – 4pm. The ‘pretending’ is there for the word ‘artist’. Apparently i still have issues with beign called an artist. A good half of the things i make/do are in fact recycled. it’s much more fun to be given boundaries and make it into a game to see how crazy/fun/beautiful/useful/outrageous/interesting you can make something within some pre-determined framework. Variations on a theme can be very satisfying. In the last 4 days I’ve made an extra 8 light switch covers and a couple of pairs of earrings in a new style (thicker wire, better designs). If I had more energy I’d post pictures. Maybe tomorrow.

in the hopes of keeping myself a bit more on task, here is a list of art-type projects that I have in progress somewhere on the premises:

  • sterling silver jewelry
  • light switch covers
  • sand-blasted glassware
  • a stained glass window (for my bathroom)
  • a wall-shelf to be mosaiced (also for my bathroom)
  • a bowling ball for my yard (to be mosaiced)
  • styrofoam insulation blocks — to be glued together, sculpted, covered with a ~4 inch layer of flying cement and then treated with an interesting surface treatment (mosaics, paint, and a few other texture-related plans) and sealed with envirotex
  • a dresser to re-finish
  • back porch to tile
  • mosaic project for bathroom #2 (wall/sink/nook plan)
  • a couple of other, smaller glass/mosaic ideas
  • a number of fabric projects (some re-cycling, some quilting, some batik-ing, some just fixing things)
  • a number of paintings (acrylic and watercolors)

and now…. now i think i see what my ‘problem’ is… i need to pick one or two to focus on and THEN go on to the others… i think tomorrow I’ll photograph the things i’ve done for April 1st SpringFest and see if I can figure out how to x-post to TCEKU…

(I’ve figured out one of the reasons that I’m not so fond of blogspot… it only haphazardly sends me comments! arg. Maybe i did something wrong in my setup…. I’ll have to investigate and maybe change the look of this page while I’m at it…. just because i can.)

EDIT: it was my setup, somehow the “email comments to” field had been cleared out. hmmm. interesting. it’s been fixed now 🙂

I’ve been noticing that I’m not very good at keeping several blogs up-to-date…

anyway… let’s try this whole posting pictures thing again….

here’s what I did last weekend:

(although this is not a picture of me — if the person who is in this picture wants me to, I can take them out of my post – but that would require actually *looking* at my blog ;-p)

in other news… the kittens are getting bigger and bigger….. and wow is formatting stuff on blogspot hard for some reason… i’ve had to edit this 4 times to get it to look *kind of * how I meant it to look… arg…. ok… that just means i have to update more and practice… so… maybe next week I’ll try this again…

birthday kittens!

wow 🙂 i was (mostly) just kidding when I said I was hoping for birthday kittens.. but here are two of the three that I know about… as of 11:30 or so last night there were three… the grey one was first, then the all black one, and then another black one with white toes and a white neck… i can’t wait for another update and/or more pictures from my mom this morning!

Hmmm…. here’s my christmas tree…

and my new boots….

and my new haircut

(when my mom said things like “I’m going to wring your skinny little neck!” she really meant it – eh? I never knew it looked so dainty! heck, i never knew *I* could be dainty)